
27 February 2012

Over 600 students have started their university studies early by taking part in 果冻传媒's Jump Start Academic Preparation Program (JSAPP) organised by Student Services.

The JSAPP program is run across the Gatton, Ipswich and St Lucia campuses and is in its fifth year. It is attended by international, equity scholarship, first-in-family, mature age and regional students.

果冻传媒 Gatton Student Services Manager, Julie McKenzie is an ambassador for the program.

"The success rate for students who complete the JSAPP program is excellent. Ninety-five percent of students who have participated pass their first semester and continue with their studies at 果冻传媒," Ms McKenzie said.

Bachelor of Applied Science student, Monique Kelly enjoyed the program and she definitely learnt a lot about university life.

"The activities I enjoyed most were the practical activities we did in the library and around campus like the Gatton Great Race and signing onto classes," Ms Kelly said.

"The Gatton Great Race was great as it made us look around campus and now I know where many buildings and places of interest are."

Topics covered during JSAPP include literature referencing, assignment writing, time management, exam preparation and much more.

"I gained an understanding of how uni works and how different it is to high school," she said.

"I am looking forward to studying wildlife science, which I am highly passionate about, and keen to meet new people," Ms Kelly said.

For more information about Student Services and how they can assist you with your studies visit: http://www.uq.edu.au/student-services/.

Media: Erin Pearl (07) 5460 1229 or e.pearl@uq.edu.au